Moldavite Raw Dragon Claw $4800 sale in uk
Found only in the Moldau Valley in the Czech Republic, this cosmic crystal is a powerful force for transformation and manifestation. It’s beneficial for star children to adjust to Earth, and can be used to communicate with extra-terrestrials. Moldavite brings trauma to the surface so that it may be dealt with immediately, but its strong vibrations should be used cautiously at first, until you adjust to it.
Chakra Association: Crown and Heart
Astrological Association: Aquarius & Andromeda Galaxy
Country of Origin: Czech Repubic
Structure: Tetragonal
This Museum Grade Piece is 24 grams (2.25 -2.50″ long) this is unique in shape and size, and the sizing of the crystals are a close approximation.
Moldavite Lab Tested and Report village upon request
How to Use Crystals
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